Street Shepherds is a non-profit charity team that has been started for this purpose only,to use our God given talents to be a ‘Voice for the Voiceless’! ” Most of us have a story behind us, but we believe it’s not our past that defines us, but what we do with our present! There are two facts about life that we like to call ‘Sad Realities’, but they remain to be realities nonetheless, which is actually what makes it sad! These two sad realities are as follows:

i.) If one does not have a decent level of education, then it means one has no voice! No one will listen to you!

ii.) If one does not have an outstanding gift in society, then it means one has no voice! No one will listen to you!

We witness this everyday. Everyday the average citizen suffers, but no one pays attention to his/her pleas. But as soon as someone with a higher standing in society speaks on the same issue, then everyone starts to pay attention. But the average citizen has been raising the same concerns for eons, but since no one is listening, they are left alone to suffers until someone with a higher standing in society comes along to shed on these matters. We have all witnessed first hand how poverty has engulfed our society, people suffer everyday! But because they have little or no education, facilitating them to hold positions of power, or some kind of out standing talent, no one gives them a listening ear! They have no voice in society, so they suffer silently! This has grieved many hearts for a long time, actually it’s been the order of life since the beginning of time. This to us does not seem to be fair, like most things about life aren’t. But more often than not, we all hold back and do nothing about it because we too feel helpless! How could we help the poor if we too suffer under the same circumstances? More often than not, most of us ask this question! We feel helpless, though we do want to help! We must however come to the realization that that perception is wrong, that even without power, it is possible for us to make a difference! It is said that, ‘
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. ‘ Quite a profound statement, isn’t it? We can relate to it, right? Then why do we continue to ‘Do Nothing’ when there’s so much we can do? Deposited in everyone is a gift, some are singer/song writers, poets, spoken word artists, dancers, DJs, actors, instrumentalists, painters, radio presenters, producers, and the list goes on and on! You have the God given ability to attract and instruct a crowd! What do you use that ability for? To serve or to be served? Well the Street Shepherd’s vision is to use our gifts to serve, the poor, orphans, widows, handicapped, illiterate, all these people that suffer quietly without a voice! We choose to be a Voice for the Voiceless! ‘STREET SHEPHERDS’ is about using our God given gifts/talents to serve the less fortunate in society, all we need are our talents, even if we lack the resources, but through our gifts, God can use us to make a change in someone’s life! In reality, the most important resource is YOU. YOU are all it takes to make a change. Some of you are good writers, use that, some of you are good athletes, use that, some of you are good public speakers, use that! However little you may think it is, whatever gift you have, if placed in God’s hands, there’s no limit to what one could do! ” STREET SHEPHERDS ” is about gathering a team of people who are willing to give of their gifts freely without charging, in the fight against poverty and other social problems we face today! It is about taking the Gospel of “love and giving” to those places that no one bothers to go! It is about being a ‘VOICE’ for the Voiceless! Being Shepherds to lost sheep in those hidden hopeless places! Be a light to the world, as our LORD and Savior asked us to be! We humbly ask you to join us today and help us make a difference! What is your gift and why not use it now? Have you not held back, from feeling helpless long enough? Help us take this Gospel of Love and Truth where it hasn’t reached, but ironically, where it is needed the most! Let’s take the Gospel of Love and Truth to those places and people that are ever so often overlooked. The Truth that is expressed in this Scripture, the Truth that we ( Street Shepherds ) strongly believe in,… James 1:27 ” What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world! ” This is not just our vision, but our calling, what God requires us to do, and so it is for all of us! ”

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Reggie Truth



23rd April 2017.
What else can we say,… the kids there are just super talented, and we had a lot of fun as well.
Check them out for yourselves.

If you’re ever in search of needy talented children to support,… now you know where to look.
At the end of the day, bottom line is that’s why we have these outreach events, so we can shine a light on these talented, talented, talented children that deserve an opportunity to shine as well.



Posted by Street Shepherds on Wednesday, May 3, 2017



23rd April 2017.
What else can we say,… the kids there are just super talented, and we had a lot of fun as well.
Check them out for yourselves.

If you’re ever in search of needy talented children to support,… now you know where to look.
At the end of the day, bottom line is that’s why we have these outreach events, so we can shine a light on these talented, talented, talented children that deserve an opportunity to shine as well.



Posted by Street Shepherds on Wednesday, May 3, 2017


NEXT: Saving Baby Macharia,… Read More,…

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